
Group of kids playing a game with a large ball near an inflatable structure at Monkey Around Billings indoor playground.

Please call or check our Facebook for the most up-to-date class times

Movers & Groovers Music Class

Bring your little one to Movers and Music for a fun-filled class where they can dance, move, and explore music through interactive play!

Mondays 9:30 - 10:00, 4:00-4:30

Saturdays 9:00 - 9:30

Upcoming Events

Spring Bash

Sponsored by Eterna Realty KWYP

April 18 9am – 12pm OR April 21 5:30 – 7:30. $12/child, $10 for siblings in the same house

Spring Kids Clothing Swap

Spend a week building, making, and shaping! From the big to the small, your camper will get to build it all… and learn about Jungle friends that love to build too!

Donuts with Grown-ups

May 24 9am – 12pm. Included with Admission

Last Day of School Party

June 13 1pm – 4pm. Included with Admission

Pop-up at Billings Fun Con

July 18 – 20

Pop-up at Big Sky Balloon Rally

July 24 – 27